Technologies, Foundation – Year 10 (Version 8.4)
The Australian Curriculum: Technologies consists of the two distinct but related subjects of:
- Design and Technologies
- Digital Technologies.
It ensures that all students have an opportunity to learn about, and work with, traditional, contemporary and emerging technologies that shape the world in which we live. In creating solutions, as well as responding to the designed world, students will contribute to sustainable patterns of living for themselves and others.
The Australian Curriculum: Technologies was published in December 2015
Visit the Australian Curriculum website to view the Foundation – Year 10 Australian Curriculum: Technologies.
The development of the Australian Curriculum: Technologies
The development of the Australian Curriculum for Technologies began with a position paper in relation to key matters, including the definition of Technologies, organisation of the curriculum, structure of the curriculum and relationship of Technologies to other learning areas and subjects. Teachers, school leaders, academics and curriculum experts participated in a planning workshop to contribute to the development of the position paper for Technologies curriculum in December 2010.
During 2011 an initial advice paper was developed to inform the writing of the Draft Shape of the Australian Curriculum: Technologies. The paper was discussed at ACARA’s National Forum for Technologies in late 2011.
Consultation on the draft Shape of the Australian Curriculum: Technologies was held during March–June 2012. ACARA received over 240 responses nationally to the online questionnaire and 42 written submissions. Read the final Draft Shape of the Australian Curriculum: Technologies consultation report (PDF 490 kb).
Following consultation revisions, the Shape of the Australian Curriculum: Technologies (PDF 452 kb) was published. This document provided broad directions for the development of the Technologies curriculum.
The draft Australian Curriculum: Technologies was published for consultation. More than 350 responses to the online survey and 81 written submissions were received by ACARA. Read the draft Australian Curriculum: Technologies Foundation – Year 10 consultation report (PDF 1.8 mb). Feedback from consultation informed revision to the draft curriculum in preparation for validation of the achievement standards. The revised curriculum prepared for the validation of achievement standards was made available for viewing on the ACARA website.
Validation of the F–10 Australian Curriculum: Technologies achievement standards began on 12 August 2013. The purpose of validation was to ensure that the achievement standards provide a clear progression of achievement across each band of learning. As part of this process, ACARA hosted workshops with teachers and curriculum experts from across the country to critique and provide feedback about the pitch, progression and clarity of the achievement standards. Additional refinements were made in response to feedback from participants in the validation process.
The draft Australian Curriculum: Technologies was reviewed in 2015 and the endorsed, revised Australian Curriculum: Technologies was published in December 2015. The main change was the inclusion of a learning area achievement standard as an alternative to the subject-specific achievement standards.
Work sample portfolios for Technologies were published on the Australian Curriculum website. Each portfolio demonstrates student learning in relation to the achievement standard.
The curriculum connections resources that draw connections across the Technologies learning area and with other learning areas were published on the Australian Curriculum website.