The consultation process on the Australian Curriculum, endorsed in September 2015

Consultation plays an integral role in establishing the directions for the design and development of the curriculum. ACARA’s consultation processes are described in the Curriculum Development Process v. 6.0 document (PDF 1.4 mb). Feedback is sought from a range of people and organisations including education authorities, parent bodies, professional education associations, academics and business, industry and community groups. At critical points in the process, there is broad national public consultation on draft materials, notably at the draft shape paper stage and the draft curriculum stage. In between these periods of consultation, there are also opportunities for the representative stakeholder groups to provide feedback.

Consultation involves:

  • public feedback at key consultation points through completion of online surveys and provision of written submissions
  • state/territory consultation forums involving teachers, academics, authorities and associations
  • national panel meetings involving a range of experts – teachers, academics, authorities and associations
  • meetings with state and territory authorities, and major professional associations
  • participation of intensive engagement schools and teachers in using, and commenting on, the usefulness of the curriculum
  • critical readers and reviewers around the country.


Consultation feedback, reports and actions

Consultation feedback is provided by a wide range of stakeholders throughout Australia in the form of online surveys and detailed written submissions. ACARA has comprehensive processes in place, with advisory groups and national panels to review all consultation feedback and take appropriate action to improve draft curriculum documents.

Formal consultation reports summarise the key findings received from the stakeholder consultation and are available on the learning pages via the links below. These reports outline the methodology used to collect and analyse consultation data, the quantitative and qualitative feedback itself, and recommendations.

Consultation reports are grouped into three broad categories:

  • learning areas and subjects
  • general curriculum papers
  • national and international mapping.


Consultation on learning areas and subjects

The Learning area consultation data 2008–2013 document (PDF 309 kb) provide an overview of consultation data for learning area curriculum to date, including consultation periods and number of submissions received.

The Arts


Health and Physical Education

Humanities and Social Sciences

Civics and Citizenship

Economics and Business







Work Studies Years 9–10


Consultation on general curriculum papers


National and international mapping

During consultation on the draft Foundation – Year 10 Australian Curriculum for English, Mathematics, Science and History, ACARA undertook an independent analysis of similarities and differences between the Australian Curriculum, and state and territory curricula. An international mapping process was also undertaken for the final Foundation – Year 10 Australian Curriculum for English, Mathematics and Science against international comparison curricula.