NAPLAN score equivalence tables
Score equivalence tables are published for paper NAPLAN tests only.
These tables are not published for online NAPLAN tests as the online testing adapts to student responses in real time, presenting students with questions that are more or less difficult, based on the student’s test performance. A student’s NAPLAN result is based on both the number and difficulty of questions the student answers correctly. A student who completes a more complex pathway is more likely to achieve a higher result than a student who answers the same number of questions correctly but follows a less complex pathway. Score equivalence tables for online tests are only useful if the exact pathway is known for a student. Pathways are not included in the individual student report (ISR), and to prevent any confusion in interpreting students’ scaled scores, score equivalence tables for NAPLAN online tests are not released.
The equivalence tables for NAPLAN paper tests below can be used to convert a student’s raw score to its equivalent on the relevant NAPLAN scale (NAPLAN scale score). The raw score on a given test is the number of questions answered correctly. The maximum number of marks on a test varies by domain and year level.
NAPLAN results are reported using 5 scales: one for each of the domains of reading, writing and numeracy, and 2 for the conventions of language domain (one scale for spelling, and one for grammar and punctuation). Each scale spans all year levels from Year 3 to Year 9 with scores that range approximately from zero to 1000. It is possible for a NAPLAN scale score to be negative.
Score equivalence tables from 2023
From 2023, NAPLAN results are reported against 4 proficiency levels. This replaces the previous numerical NAPLAN bands and national minimum standards. The NAPLAN measurement scales and time series have also been reset. This means results from 2023 on cannot be directly compared with results from 2008 to 2022. Visit the NAP site’s NAPLAN results and reports page for information about current NAPLAN reporting.
In the score equivalence tables linked below, proficiency levels are coded with numerical values:
1 = Needs additional support
2 = Developing
3 = Strong
4 = Exceeding.
Score equivalence tables from 2009 to 2022
From 2008 to 2022, each NAPLAN scale was divided into 10 bands used to report student progress through Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. Band 1 was the lowest band and band 10 the highest. These bands contained a range of scores and were not a specific point. Each year level was reported against 6 of these bands.
Up to and including 2016 for Year 7 and Year 9 numeracy, 3 separate tables are provided. The first is for the overall numeracy test, the second for the non-calculator section and the third for the calculator-allowed section. The second and third tables are for allocating scores to students who sat only one of the tests. In addition, the tables also provide the band assigned to the corresponding NAPLAN scale score. From 2017 there is only one numeracy test for Years 7 and 9 (which includes non-calculator as well as calculator items) and thus a single table is provided.