The Key Performance Measures (KPMs) related to participation and attainment specified in the Measurement Framework for Schooling in Australia are:
KPM 1(g): Proportion of 15–19-year-olds in full-time education or training, in full-time work, or both in part-time work and part-time education or training
KPM 1(h): Proportion of 20–24-year-olds in full-time education or training, in full-time work, or both in part-time work and part-time education or training
KPM 1(i): Proportion of 17–24-year-olds who have left school that are in full-time education or training, in full-time work, or both in part-time work and part-time education or training (from 2015).
The annual measures of these KPMs are based on the ABS Survey of Education and Work (SEW), which is conducted in May each year. Five-yearly measures of the KPMs, based on data drawn from the Census of Population and Housing, are reported for census years.