Key Facts

  • In 2022, 55% of Year 6 students and 46% of Year 10 students achieved at or above the proficient standard in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Literacy.

  • In 2019, 53% of Year 6 students and 38% of Year 10 students achieved at or above the proficient standard in Civics and Citizenship.

  • In 2018, 58% of Year 6 students and 50% of Year 10 students achieved at or above the proficient standard in Science Literacy.

Notes and caveats

    • In 2018, the sample assessment in Science Literacy was extended to Year 10. To accommodate this, proficiency levels were widened and re-labelled. However, as the proficient standard for Year 6 remained unchanged, the proportion of students at or above proficient standard can be compared historically. 
    • As 2018 was the first time Year 10 students were assessed in Science Literacy, some states/territories opted not to report their state/territory separately due to sample size restrictions. Australian results include all states.
    • In the 2019 sample assessment in Civics and Citizenship, sample requirements were not achieved in Tasmania (Year 10) and the Northern Territory (Years 6 and Year 10). This may have resulted in a less representative sample and biased results. Therefore, their results should be interpreted with caution. 
    • Due to the impacts of COVID-19, the 2020 NAP sample assessment in ICT Literacy was postponed to 2022 and the 2021 NAP sample assessment in Science Literacy was postponed to 2023. 
    • For further detail please see the NAP sample assessments website.
    • This information relates to Part 3 of National Report on Schooling in Australia.

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