The data summarises the nationally agreed key performance measures (KPMs) for schooling specified in the Measurement Framework for Schooling in Australia.
The dashboard shows each available KPM for a selected calendar year (current calendar year), for the most recent previous year (previous calendar year) for which data is available, and a comparison evaluating the change in the measure between these two years. It also includes information on the longer-term trend for each available KPM.
Data is shown for Australia but may also be selected for individual states or territories or for particular demographics e.g. Indigenous students, male/female if available.
To measure long-term trends, a line of best fit is calculated when at least three points are available. The annual change is calculated from the gradient. When the gradient exceeds the standard deviation calculated for the yearly KPMs, the line of best fit can be categorised as “trending up” or “trending down”. When there is no difference, the line of best fit will be described as “trending flat”. For some measures, where a break in trend occurs, the line of best fit does not start from the first year shown in the chart. This is demonstrated by the line of best fit changing from blue (demonstrating included data) to red (indicating years excluded from the line of best fit).
For the trends in NAPLAN mean achievement (KPMs 2b, 2d and 3b), an additional criterion has been added requiring the average annual change to exceed a minimum effect size, equivalent to 1.0 score points. This more conservative approach addresses the understatement of measurement error in the annual change and reduces the likelihood that some trends in the mean achievement are flagged as trending up or down when they may simply result from chance variation.
In 2023, NAPLAN testing moved from May to March and the NAPLAN scale was reset introducing a break in trend. Therefore, the trend in NAPLAN Achievement key performance measures cannot be shown beyond 2022.